Main Features
- Template designer
- Add content from CMS
- Include products/offers
- Automatic scheduler
- Prize-draw system
- API e-mail submission
- Automatic list cleaning
- E-mail safe HTML
How it works
Like other newsletter services you can design a template using our online editor and send a campaign using original content.
The advantage of using Inzu though is that you can also include existing content from other Inzu applications.
Content drop
Why re‑write content for newsletters when you can select entries already created for your website? As well as being able to drop in standard content like blog posts, news items and event listings you can also add products (complete with purchase links), tickets and special offers in a few seconds.
Automated newsletters
Inzu can automatically deliver content to your newsletter subscribers.
For instance you could include your 2 latest news items followed by your 4 latest products and end with your latest event entry. You decide the content pattern and then choose a timing schedule.
Build an audience
A few lines of code on your website is all that's needed to capture e‑mail addresses.
E‑mail addresses can also be captured on your Inzu Page or when a customer pays for an e‑commerce transaction.
Reporting / stats
Track how many people opened your newsletter, how many rejected it as spam and how many e‑mails bounced.
We send you a copy of bounced e‑mails with a set of links to remove a subscriber, or to put them into quarantine. A quarantined subscriber remains on your mailing‑list but does not receive newsletters.
Intelligent lists
E‑mail lists are difficult to keep well managed. As people leave companies, get married or just decided to use another service their e‑mails may become redundant but stay on your list.
Inzu responds intelligently to both server responses and bounced e‑mails, if it looks like an e‑mail is no longer working then instead of keeping it on your list and charging you to send to that address we will automatically remove the e‑mail. You'll be able to review 'purged' e‑mails for 1 month before complete removal occurs.
Prize draw
With Inzu you can create a newsletter promotions with prize winners, simply create an offer in the Inzu offers section then add that offer to a newsletter campaign.
A randomly selected subscriber will be notified if they win.
All prices are per month based on a rolling subscription.